Monday, February 18, 2008


Stine was actually not sleeping most of the time, probably since there where no fire.

I'm now sitting on my bed on the night train from monte negro. I'm trying to publish my first blog from my new mobile, and it looks like its working.

But anyway, the train was supposed to arrive in belgrade 4 hours ago but it seems we had a little accident. During the night the train supposedly derailed and where stuck for some hours before we could move on. An interesting experience, even though i was sleeping all the time. Rumor has it that the track broke and they needed a technician with some machine to fix it. By the way, since there was no fire Stine managed to stay awake during the entire event.


Karin said...

Kanskje det ikke bare er Stine som kan sove seg gjennom det meste:-P

Anonymous said...

Moro å lese bloggen din Torstein!

Suramit said...

Haaa Haaaa!

Gjermund said...


Det er goey aa lese dine innlegg.. du skriver bra, og har mange fine bilder.. kult!

Me snakkes te vaaren, det blir bra!
Min tjeneste er ferdig naa om en uke, litt trist men ogsaa litt godt..

Tjohei Silvarkraakan..

Ps: kan du sende meg linken te siden? Silvarkraak bloggen..