Friday, November 16, 2007

A Great Day

This day has been a good day. I took the 11 o'clock train to Belgrade, which was only about 20 minutes late. I usually try to read at least one chapter from the Bible everytime I take the train, at least when I travel alone. Today I think I red about 7 chapters from Genesis. All of the story about Josef and more.

Thursday is kindergarten day, and I usually spend about 4-5 hours in Noahs Ark kindergarten. A christian kindergarten owned by a baptist church in Belgrade. Anyway, I went to the kindergarten, this is my third or fourth time there. I'm not quite sure... The past times I have found it kind of hard to really interact with the children, especially since my Serbian skills is not to good yet. But today was better, my Serbian is getting better, and I'm starting to understand the kids. Also I think we are getting to know each other better. I was playing with them a lot and they also got to practise their climbing skills on me.

After about five fun hours in the Noahs Ark I travelled to New Belgrade, were I met my friend Milan at a café. He went to Hald two years ago. We talked for about 3 and a half hour, about politics, mutual experiences in meeting each others culturs, finance, situation in the world, situation in Serbia and it goes on. I had a great time and learned a lot!

On the train back I managed to finish both the book of Genesis and Coureageus Leadership by Bill Hybels. When I came back to my apartment I started planning my 25-years birthday party, which looks like it's going to be the biggest, and most wicked birthday party I have ever celebrated. And you are all invited (as long as you are not some crazy stranger I never even heard of, who just wants free food. Then you should send me and e-mail and ask politely if you can join in), but it would be nice with a hint if you're comming, just to be able to calculate food and drinks.

Sorry about the fact that I dont have any pictures to show from my day. But to make it up I will show some pictures from other days.

Me and Danijel were having some fun in front of the gigantic church of St.Sava. Danijel is a great jumperTake notice of his mp3-player

In the beginning of this week I spent two days in the beautiful
city of Novi Sad [I like the people there Samuil]. In the picture you can see (from the left) Bojan, Tihomir (director of the ROM - Renewing our minds - program) and Samuil general secretary of EUS.
A cat enjoying the view of Novi Sad (at least before I disturbed it)Novi Sad skyline
Me in front of a big catholic church A guy painting the church high above the ground. No security net here (For Norwegians: Hva med HMS).

Bojan is enjoying a Index sandwich. A traditional Novi Sad meal. The name has it origin from the fact that students with the so called Student Index Card would get a discount. But now it's just a fancy sandwich.


Lars said...

Hallais! Fint å se hvordan livet er i Serbia. Du har nok desverre rett i at jeg ikke tar turen ned der med det første, men man skal aldri si aldri. Husker den legendariske tåketuren ja. Husker også at vi pratet om at vi tillfeldigvis leste samme sted i bibelen på det tidspunktet. Nå leser også jeg om Josef og gjengen. Artig! Nå gleder jeg meg til Aimée kommer. Du får sikkert møte henne en gang og brife med portugisiske gloser. Kos deg videre, og hils Daniel!

Anonymous said...

Finland, mitt Finland.

Anonymous said...

Du kan regne med meg til bursdagsfeiringen! ;) Hvis du bare kan ordne med skyss fra flyplassen hadde det vert flott!
Har du snø forresten i Serbia nå? Spennende!! ;)

Henrik said...

Eg må desverre meddele at hverken meg eller Gudrun kommer til bursdagen din. Det gjør meg vondt å sei det, men desverre.<

Eg beklager på det aller sterkeste, og ligger våken både dag og natt for å tenke ut måter eg kan gjøre opp for meg på.

Per Oddvin Stornes said...

Skulle gjerne komt ned og fått free food and drinks...menmen. Ha en fin bursdag i alle fall!

Britt Eva, Kjartan og Ingvill said...


Endelig får eg somla meg til ein kommentar. Veldig fin side, og snedne bilder:) Håper du har det bra. Skulle (som mange andre...) tatt en tur i bursdagsselskap.

Ha ei fortsatt god uke.

KLem fra Britt Eva

L.DBdS. said...
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L.DBdS. said...
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L.DBdS. said...

hei men .. miss u too. i had norwegian visitors here. it was wicked , massive visit.. i want to visit u . i am probably traveling to Norway next year..and by the way: happy 25s...see u later, and greating to daniel..caco si? dobro i ti? dobro san. nema problema. ti si tezca. ja san brasilask. shuti bre, slushei bre. prichei na serbiskon

Eirik said...

Jeg tror stoerste problemet her er at det er saa masse folk. Og da blir det litt stress med gatebilder og saann.. Men jeg proever aa bruke kompaktkameraet litt ogsaa.. Det er litt lettere:)

Martina said...

YOU picture are so "nice"

Anonymous said...

Høyres ut som ei god dag, ja! Har fått fart på bibellesinga eg òg, digge da!

Masse bra bilete, likte spesielt der da ser ut som Danijel prøve å sparka ned heile kyrkja...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.