Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Home sweet home

I think it's about time I start writing something about me as well. I'm living in a city called Pančevo. It's about 15 km north-east of Belgrade and has around 120 000 inhabitants.
It would be natural to compare this city to Stavanger, my hometown in Norway which has almost the same population. The city center here is a lot smaller then Stavanger, I'm guessing it's mostly because it's so close to the million city of Belgrade. Industry is the major thing here, and the city is rated as the most polluted one in Serbia. A famous Chinese flee marked can also be found here. I have not been there yet, but I think I will go there soon, to find some cheap clothing for the winter. Clothes here is actually supposed to be more expensive than in Norway.

I live in a part of town called Misa. It's build pretty recently and the population there is pretty young. There are grocery stores on almost every corner and a lot of other specialist shops. There is also a pretty big sports park in this area, with a basketball pitch, soccer field, jogging area, tennis courts and a lot more.

I'm living in a flat together with Bojan. He is also 24 years like me and he studies business and tourism. As one should when one studies tourism, Bojan speaks English really well. Bojan has traveled around a lot and is used to foreigners. There has been a lot of other international people living here before. And speaking of former guests...

This is Bojan and some of his many gadgets.On the far right of the picture you can see my house.

After living here a couple of days I noticed there were a lot of fancy technical gadgets here. All over Serbia is a couple of years behind Norway in technology. You can't find the most recent products but what was new in Norway two years ago. But still Bojan had all this stuff laying around. Laptop, bluetooth-USB-adapter, bluetooth-headset, air conditioner and a lot more. I started asking where he got this stuff and he told me about the guests. This guest left a laptop, this guy left the air conditioner, and so it went on. As it turned out every guest has left something. And then he laughed and looked at me and said:
Every guest leaves something.
So for now I have left a wireless ADSL router, and more there will be. So this has become the first really internal joke in the house.

I'm having a great time here and I enjoy living in Pancevo.So this is my room. I decided to go for a honest picture and shoot the room in a typical condition. This is our hall. The living room is the door in front . Front right is the kitchen and bottom left is the door to my place. The bathroom is front left. The entrance is middle left and behind the camera is Bojan's office/room.This is our kitchen. We make food here.

This is our living room.
Our bathroom.Some guests for dinner in our apartment.A pile of garbage next to the sports park. All the garbage was gone next day.My local train station. I spend a lot of time here every day. Something that I will tell more about in a later post.Visiting the place of my friend Danijel.From a service in the methodist church. We were five people in the benches. Me and Danijel joined the preacher for another service afterwards, and then we were invited for dinner at his place.A picture from the pentecostal church of Bojan were I also have been attending some services.


Anonymous said...

Så gøy å sjå så mykje frå leiligheten din. Håper verkeleg det kan laga seg med ein tur dit utpå våren når du er endå meir kjent og kanskje også har litt tid til å ta imot oss!

Inki and Ole Einar said...

What a luxury!! Nice pictures! :) Are you growing that beard back againg now, huh? ;)