At least thats the situation here in Serbia. One would think that the less money people have, the less they care about clothing and image. But Serbia proves different. Walking around around in the streets of Belgrade it seems you are in a pretty wealthy country sometimes. At least when one looks at the way ženu (females) are dressing. Miss sixty pants our maybe Miss Sexy (or something like that) as a local shop here was called.
When Stine (my team partner) was wearing rainpants the other day, and half of the people in the street started turning their heads to observe the not fashionable pants. Talking to the locals it turnes out that before the war, when Serbia could be thought of as a pretty rich country, all weather jackets and rain pants where very common. But after the war people cared more about looks and image.
The media and all commercials are very much focused on body, looks and image. In nearly every kiosk they sell pornography, as well as a lot of guys selling illegal pornographic movies on the street. Body and looks is everywhere! I've also noticed from my conversations with local boys that women are a lot more "objectified" than in Norway. I always get questions like: So how are the girls in Norway? Hot? How do you like the Serbian girls? Pretty good, right?
Flott blogg du lager!! Ser ut som du koser deg og har det veldig bra. Staa paa med arbeidet ditt!
Hilsen Elin og Bjornen! savner dere.. haaper at vi komme til aa treffe igjen snart .. :)
Halloen! Da har jeg kommet meg helt hjem:) Tog kan jammen gå fort og på tiden om de vil skal jeg si deg:p Hadde en fin helg? Fått sovet litt?
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